Examples To Share
Real Life Examples

Is Globalist George Soros A Nazi Collaborator
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com February 8, 2017 Power Bloc: noun. An association of groups having a common interest and acting as a single political force. There is a Power Bloc which exists at one level larger than the Nation-State level. This Power Bloc…

Is President Trump Working For The American People
By: Nick Russo The AnimatingContest.com January 31, 2017 President Donald Trump has been in office for ten days and has worked diligently to KEEP the promises that he made to the American People during his campaign, the same promises that got him elected. This is what distinguishes President Trump from other politicians we have witnessed…

Globalists Caught AGAIN Trying To Force U.S. And Russia Into War
The above video documents Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin literally begging the West to stop pushing for war. He details how its being done with the media through Information and Psychological Warfare tactics. You might want to take a listen. image: quora.com By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com January 3, 2017…

CONFIRMED State Election Systems Hacked During Election Process
Image: mediaequalizer.com By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com December 21, 2016 We have all been hearing about how the Election Systems were probably hacked by Russia in order to influence the Presidential election. Well, as it turns out, it has been confirmed that at least one State’s election system was indeed hacked by an unauthorized…

Globalists Attacking The U.S. and Russia In 21st Century Warfare
image: Socio-Economics History Blog By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com December 13, 2016 If you watch the Main Stream Media (MSM), you have noticed a new theme talked about on every news program and on every news channel. The theme is that Russia hacked the United States’ election and…

Fake News Used As Global Censorship Tool
image:zerohedge.com By: Nick Russo theAnimatingContest.com December 4, 2016 The Western Main Stream Media’s credibility is crumbling as the world looks on. The destruction has been a multi-decade process caused by the blatant dishonesty of western media outlets. Western Main Stream Media has been caught lying…

Americanism NOT Globalism
Play the video above to hear President elect Donald Trump talk about his philosophy of Americanism versus Globalism By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com November 10, 2016 We have now reached the point in history where more people (60,274,974) are willing to vote for a blatant criminal than are willing (59,937,338) to vote for…

The American People As A Check On Power
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com November 9, 2016 Donald Trump is President of the United States of America. It was a long hard battle for Donald Trump. The People stood up, stopped being scared to say what was on their mind, believed we could beat The Enemy, shared ideas with…

2016 Election: Renaissance or Dark Age?
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com Oct 24, 2016 Throughout the ages a struggle has taken place between the common people and a powerful elite which wishes to control the People. Wealth is only a part of the reason this stealthy, Globalist elite desires to control the People of…

NSA Leader Says Cabal Building Global System of Dominance
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com September 24, 2016 Pay very close Attention to interviews with people like the former Technical Leader of the National Security Agency. The man who led the team who Built many of the Systems currently being used by the NSA. His name is William…