Congressional Memo May Send Hillary Clinton to Prison

A graph of political figures
The Core Players in Hillary’s Crime Against America

By: Nick Russo     January 21, 2018

As we have been telling you for years now on this site: (here a just two examples)

Sept 2014: Benghazi Bombshell: Clinton’s State Dept Caught Obstructing Justice (Felony)

July 2017: America Must Prosecute Hillary And All Other Criminals Now

Hillary Clinton and her cabal of Insiders have committed gigantic Crimes Against Our Nation.  Specifically, Hillary Clinton and her crime network conspired to Illegally influence (Steal) a United States Presidential Election. 

Hillary and her cohorts were so arrogantly confident that she would win the 2017 Presidential election that they believed the crimes the cabal committed in order to secure the Presidency would never be revealed to the public.  They arrogantly believed that everything would be covered up by the Insiders.

But a miracle happened on November 7, 2017.  After overcoming all of their media manipulation and all the crimes designed to make him lose, Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States.  And when Trump became President, he was able to access ALL CLASSIFIED INFORMATION within our intelligence agencies.  Some of this classified information contained smoking gun proof of the crimes committed and was never to see the light of day if Hillary would’ve won.  But, she did not win.

Flash-forward to today.  You have heard a lot recently about the “Congressional Memo” containing damaging info on the cabal inside the Department of Justice and the FBI which was illegally working against a political candidate at the time- Donald Trump.

This memo is from the House Intelligence Committee and is classified so secretively that the Memo is literally held inside the Congressional Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF).  The memo was generated after an extensive investigation of the illegalities that took place during the campaign for President.

Here is what one Congressman had to say about the memo: (there are many Congressional members saying the same thing)

The House must immediately make public the memo prepared by the Intelligence Committee regarding the FBI and the Department of Justice. The facts contained in this memo are jaw-dropping and demand full transparency. There is no higher priority than the release of this information to preserve our democracy, Rep. Gaetz said. 

Here are the basics of what this Congressional Memo contains:

Hillary Clinton’s campaign AND the FBI paid money to a ‘former’ foreign spy to create a dossier containing damaging information on then candidate Trump.

This dossier, filled with undocumented and unsubstantiated fabrications, was then taken to a highly secretive court known as the F.I.S.A Court.  The purpose of this court is to to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

The dossier was used as probable cause evidence to obtain search warrants which gave the green light to Surveil (Spy) on candidate Donald Trump’s campaign communications and all other personal communications of Donald Trump.

Yes, that is correct.  One candidate in a Presidential Election campaign knowingly paid for  falsified information and with help from partisan Insiders in the FBI and Department of Justice used this false information to obtain the ability to listen to ALL communications of the rival candidate in the Presidential Election.  Beyond Watergate Spying.

And now this Congressional Memo, summarizing an investigation into these matters, remains classified.  But, a large number of Congressmen are currently working to release this information to the Public.

A large number of Congressmen have stated that the evidence inside this Memo incriminates many high level individuals inside some of our most trusted institutions and may even shake the foundations of our Republic.

Here is a video summary including Congressional investigators and the heroic reporter who broke the story:

At some point the American People are going to have to force our Congressional leaders to put high level government officials in jail. 

When this time comes, the Clinton cabal is going to blame the Trump administration for what they will try to label as a ‘Trump abuse of power’.  Hillary, in order to avoid going to jail, is going to use the main stream media to brainwash people into believing that Trump is trying to imprison his political competitors.

By claiming Trump is a ‘tyrant abusing his power’ they will try to tear the country apart.  Literally, they will risk burning the country down to keep Hillary and her cabal out of prison.  They may even try to impeach Trump if they can get enough of the People to believe the lie.

When you see this happening, remember that Trump promised he would do his best to clean up our American system and that is exactly what you are seeing manifest today.

One more promise kept:  HILLARY FOR PRISON.