Observations From The Political Arena

Are You Tired Of Winning Yet
image: the new republic By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com September 30, 2018 Are you tired of having a U.S. President who looks out for the American People. Are you tired of having an American President who is not afraid to look another world leader in the eyes and tell him directly that Americans rule America not…

Congressional Memo May Send Hillary Clinton to Prison
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com January 21, 2018 As we have been telling you for years now on this site: (here a just two examples) Sept 2014: Benghazi Bombshell: Clinton’s State Dept Caught Obstructing Justice (Felony) July 2017: America Must Prosecute Hillary And All Other Criminals Now Hillary Clinton and her cabal of Insiders…

President Trump Stops Funding and Arming Terrorists
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com July 26, 2017 For three years now, TheAnimatingContest.com has been telling you that the United States of America and its taxpayers have been giving Money, Arms, Intelligence, Training, and other Material Aid to OUR ENEMY- ISIS (Islamic State In Syria). Click on any…

America Must Prosecute Hillary And All Other Criminals Now
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com July 24, 2017 The normalizing of Criminality has been going on for years in the United States. This normalization takes place when blatant criminality happens and Nothing is done about it. The unpunished crime is the ‘signal’ sent out by elements within our government letting…

America’s Fate Is In The Hands of Its People
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com June 14, 2017 Do you see the conflict being created? Here’s the overall picture: Group Freedom: A group of People who believe in foundational American principles like Individual Freedom, the Right to Your Life/Health, a Limited government which dictates to You the least amount possible,…

Syria-Brilliant Move OR Complete Betrayal
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com April 9, 2017 It was said many times on this site that when Trump got elected the war had just begun-see here, and here. We did not gain victory by somehow managing to defeat the Establishment, the media, and the Globalists…

Yes A Globalist Cabal Is Spying On Everyone Including The President
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com March 8, 2017 This is what happens when Globalists steal hundreds of billions of dollars from United States tax payers in the form of “black budget programs”. Then use these underground programs to build a system of Full Spectrum Information Dominance. Then give the Power which is derived from having access…

Intelligence Agencies Used In Civil War Against American Citizens
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com March 7, 2017 Yesterday, Wikileaks released one of the largest and most damaging ‘information dumps’ ever. In this release, Wikileaks revealed how OUR Intelligence Agencies use household appliances (i.e. Televisions, etc.) to spy on the American Public. It also revealed how OUR Intelligence…

Who Could Possibly Be Spying On The President
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com March 4, 2017 It is unthinkable that we, the American People, must have this conversation. It is unthinkable because the Truth, as always, is in front of us All. The Reality that the Truth is in front of us and we can not see it, is Proof of the Psychological Manipulation…

Enemy of the People Waging Psychological Warfare on Citizens
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com February 22, 2017 President Donald Trump told the world the Truth a couple of days ago when he Tweeted that the Media is “the enemy of the American People”. The President’s enemies immediately seized the opportunity to carefully craft and execute a Psychological Operation designed to insert an “idea” into…