The Department of Homeland Security DID HACK our Election Systems
Image: mediaequalizer.com
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com December 21, 2016
We have all been hearing about how the Election Systems were probably hacked by Russia in order to influence the Presidential election. Well, as it turns out, it has been confirmed that at least one State’s election system was indeed hacked by an unauthorized entity.
The hacking into the State of Georgia’s election system was confirmed and admitted to be the Department of Homeland Security. You can read for yourself at this link how Georgia’s Secretary of State is calling out the DHS for its illegal hacking activities.
Georgia’s Secretary of State is accusing someone at the Department of Homeland Security of illegally trying to hack its computer network, including the voter registration database.
At no time has my office (Sec. of State) agreed to or permitted DHS to conduct penetration testing or security scans of our network,” writes Kemp. “Moreover, your department has not contacted my office since this unsuccessful incident to alert us of any security event that would require testing or scanning of our network
Georgia notably turned down voluntary assistance from Homeland Security to shore up election systems.
Under 18 U.S.C. § 1030, attempting to gain access or exceeding authorized access to protected computer systems is illegal,” he notes.
In a recent article on this website titled, How Globalists Plan To Influence U.S. Elections we described how the Department of Homeland Security was entertaining the idea of “declaring the individual State’s election systems as critical infrastructure” so the federal government could ‘take control’ of the election systems nationally. This of course being a direct violation of the current design of each State handling its election processes at the State level. See excerpts from this article below quoting experts in the election processes:
Under the guise of providing increased “security” for “critical infrastructure,” the Obama administration is plotting to insert itself and the federal government into the American elections process…..Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, Jeh Johnson, pointed to the alleged threat of cyber-attacks to justify the latest proposed usurpation of power….experts, though, warned that the White House scheming may be a first step toward illegally nationalizing the electoral process
Homeland Security boss Johnson, a leading luminary behind Obama’s illegal amnesty plot, has repeatedly said in recent weeks that the administration was thinking of issuing a decree declaring elections to be “critical infrastructure” in need of supposed federal oversight and “protection.”
See here for President Obama’s “decree” regarding “Critical Infrastructure”
Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and former member of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), blasted the proposed scheme. First of all, there is “no credible threat of a successful cyber-attack on our voting and ballot-counting process because of the way our current election system is organized,”….
“But designating the nation’s election system as ‘critical infrastructure’ under a post 9/11 federal statute may be a way for the administration to get Justice Department lawyers, the FBI, and DHS staff into polling places they would otherwise have no legal right to access,” von Spakovsky continued. And that, he said, would “enable them to interfere with election administration procedures around the country.”
“Federal officials who have already shown they will not hesitate to use their power to tilt public policy in favor of their own personal political agenda could bring that same bias to decisions that affect the very integrity of our election process.” He also noted that there is a much greater chance of misbehavior surrounding non-citizen voting or absentee ballot fraud than any “hacker” manipulating the system
In an attempt to ‘nationalize’ the election process, the Department of Homeland Security has ASSUMED POWER which the agency DOES NOT HAVE. Each State determines its election processes. Therefore it is a Crime to access systems which the federal government or its agencies DO NOT HAVE AUTHORIZED ACCESS TO.
The Department of Homeland Security has violated States Rights by hacking into Georgia’s election systems. The problem with federal officials hacking into State’s election systems is that the people hacking into the systems are BIASED and now have the access to unduly influence the election. For example, the Secretary of DHS went on record publicly that his wishes were for Hillary Clinton to be elected AND that Donald Trump was Unfit to be President.
Watch Video Here: Director of DHS Pushes for Hillary in election says Trump disqualified
So, any reasonable person should be able to see that federal employees who were BIASED for one candidate over the other in OUR Presidential Election gained UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS to election systems and could have UNDULY INFLUENCED our election process.
Yes, hacking did occur in our election. And the only real proof we have is the DHS’s admission that this federal agency DID THE HACKING NOT THE RUSSIANS.
Once again, the Truth is the exact opposite of what the Establishment says. What they accuse others of, They are the Perpetrators of.
Where is the criminal investigation into this hacking event? Why is this hacking event not on the nightly news, but the accusations of Russian hacking-WITH ABSOLUTELY NO DEFINITIVE PROOF-is broadcast 24/7 on all propaganda channels? Ask yourself if a Sovereign Nation allows such abuses to take place with no recourse.