Vaccines Have Effects On Human Beings

How Billionaire Psychopaths Hack Into Your Mind
image: tech world blogger By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com November 11, 2017 Global Corporations and the individual’s running them put Profits above Everything else. This includes the health of you and your family-especially your children. Human Life has lost its Value to a segment of the human population. Unfortunately, the group of people who do not…

CDC Official Admits Fraud As Public Debates Film Festival
image: www.vaccinationinformationnetwork.com By: Nick Russo The AnimatingContest.com March 27, 2016 On March 25, 2016; Robert De Niro, the famous actor and co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, announced that his now famous and influential film festival would be screening a film –Vaxxed– dealing with the causal link…

Zika Virus Linked to Rockefeller Foundation and Bill Gates
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com February 7, 2016 Would you be interested to know: Zika Virus was discovered in 1947 in Uganda, Africa. Zika Virus was isolated, patented, and is owned by the Rockefeller Foundation since 1952. Bill Gates funded research led to the creation of Genetically…

Television As A Weapon–We Are Being Lied To
image: weaponizednews.com By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com September 1, 2015 The television is a weapon system used to manipulate the mind of the viewer into suspending normal human discernment and judgement. It is capable of telling us things which we know are not true, but are implanted into our minds…

Eugenics: Elite Philosophy and The Foundation of All Tyranny
Image: library.missouri.edu By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com August 3, 2015 Way back at the beginning of the twentieth century, a scientific elite based out of England and the United States started disseminating the idea that the Earth was over-populated. Based on this intentionally…

Trans-Humanism: The Scientific Elite’s Plan For Humanity
actionspeaksradio.org By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com July 25, 2015 Happy Birthday!! We have let an anti-human scientific elite gain control of our planet. A elite group so vain they believe they can control and direct the evolution of Humanity. Consequently, this elite has decided to, by force, turn human evolution…

Mandatory Vaccinations? Keep Your Hands Off Our Children!!
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com February 5, 2015 In the last week, it has become apparent that Big Pharma and our government are once again partnered together in a organized Public Relations Campaign (aka. Psychological Operation) designed to change the public’s mind and get us to accept Mandatory Vaccinations. Once again the…

Population Control: Forced Sterilization in Kenya
Image: GlobalResearch.ca By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com November 19, 2014 New allegations of secret population control methods have surfaced out of Kenya recently. The allegations must have come from some fringe conspiracy group you say. No, forced population control vaccines are being used on the Kenyan population according to The Kenyan…

Emergency Alert: Humans Can Read and Weaponized Ebola
image: lifehopeandtruth.com By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com October 28, 2014 In a 2011 Rolling Stone interview, Alex Jones stated “government lab produced air-borne Ebola, its coming your way, enjoy it yuppies.” The nationally syndicated radio talk-show host, was berated and attacked as a fear monger after the interview. Read Here…..

Senior Presidential Adviser Supports Forced Sterilization of Citizens
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com March 20, 2014 Author of EcoScience- John Holdren: Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology — informally…