Examples To Share
Real Life Examples

The New World Order IS An Old World Order ReBranded
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com March 25, 2017 Art Communicates Wisdom Through Time–Stay Human The writers for the old TV series, The Twilight Zone, were witnessing in real time the purposeful take-over of the American Government by what President Eisenhower described as “a Scientific, Technological Elite and Military Industrial Complex”. …

Why Is The Government Lying About GeoEngineering
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com March 20, 2017 TheAnimatingContest.com has documented sufficiently that there is an International Program of Geo-Engineering going on. Many of the contrails you see in the sky contain Particulates which are being used to manipulate OUR Environment. Please refresh yourself of these two…

Psychological Manipulation A Modern Case Study
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com March 15, 2017 Here is how Psychological Manipulation (a.k.a Brainwashing) works. This is very important so pay attention. Everyone is Affected. Here is a real world example: REALITY: Here we have the then CIA Director General David Petraeus telling us that Intelligence Agencies WILL…

Yes A Globalist Cabal Is Spying On Everyone Including The President
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com March 8, 2017 This is what happens when Globalists steal hundreds of billions of dollars from United States tax payers in the form of “black budget programs”. Then use these underground programs to build a system of Full Spectrum Information Dominance. Then give the Power which is derived from having access…

Intelligence Agencies Used In Civil War Against American Citizens
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com March 7, 2017 Yesterday, Wikileaks released one of the largest and most damaging ‘information dumps’ ever. In this release, Wikileaks revealed how OUR Intelligence Agencies use household appliances (i.e. Televisions, etc.) to spy on the American Public. It also revealed how OUR Intelligence…

Who Could Possibly Be Spying On The President
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com March 4, 2017 It is unthinkable that we, the American People, must have this conversation. It is unthinkable because the Truth, as always, is in front of us All. The Reality that the Truth is in front of us and we can not see it, is Proof of the Psychological Manipulation…

De-Humanization Normalized by Medical Community
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com February 28, 2017 I do not care what your view is on Abortion. I do not care whether you think it is totally acceptable or if you think it is morally reprehensible. I do not care! I do care about us as a society honestly discussing the topic of Industrialized Abortion…

Enemy of the People Waging Psychological Warfare on Citizens
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com February 22, 2017 President Donald Trump told the world the Truth a couple of days ago when he Tweeted that the Media is “the enemy of the American People”. The President’s enemies immediately seized the opportunity to carefully craft and execute a Psychological Operation designed to insert an “idea” into…

Russians Influencing ANY Election Where National Sovereignty Is Winning
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com February 17, 2017 Marine Le Pen is running for President of France. She is cut from the same cloth as President Donald Trump. That is to say that she believes in National Sovereignty and that Nation-States should be preserved as the best political unit…

Deep State Begins Coup Against President Trump
By: Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com Februrary 15, 2017 It’s time for some perspective on what is happening within President Trump’s administration. What we are seeing is a concerted effort by factions within the Deep State to essentially neutralize President Trump’s effectiveness in ‘cleaning house’ or ‘draining the swamp’ as the President has labeled his task. Recently,…