President Trump Stops Funding and Arming Terrorists

A confused man
Watch HERE: A current Member of Congress Tells You How Our Government Armed Terrorists!









By:  Nick Russo     July 26, 2017

For three years now, has been telling you that the United States of America and its taxpayers have been giving Money, Arms, Intelligence, Training, and other Material Aid to OUR ENEMY- ISIS (Islamic State In Syria).

Click on any of the links below to read previous articles from this website:

October 6, 2014:   US Invasion of Syria Decided in Sept 2001

Oct 23 2014:   U.S. and Turkey Caught Attacking Syria(using ISIS)

January 12 2015:  Blowback: US Arms Given To Al Qaeda (ISIS) Are Used Against West

February 24, 2015:   Even Iraq is Accusing Britain (& U.S.) of Arming ISIS

March 11, 2015 Your Tax Dollars Paid For ISIS

November 25, 2015:   US General Says It Was A Willful Decision To Support ISIS In Syria

Many of you vehemently argued with me that this definitely WAS NOT HAPPENING.  Well, if this was not happening, Why was it reported today that Trump Ends CIA Program Arming ‘Syrian Rebels’ (see link here).  The Answer is because WE were arming and training ISIS.  Furthermore, these Weapons and the Training have been repeatedly used AGAINST THE WEST.

Add this to the extensive list of Great Things Trump has done for our country so far.  No more funding TERRORISTS!

You see this is how it works.  The politicians and the controlled media deny the Truth when confronted with it.  Then, they let enough time pass and (several titillating ‘scandals’ later) they admit the LIES.

Most people just say, “oh, I guess they were doing those bad things” and let it pass.  This is how they NEUTRALIZE the average citizen.  One day, the average person will wake up and say, ” well, I guess they were planning to destroy America” and they will let it pass.

Do you have a memory?  Do you remember Their Crimes?  Do you remember all The Harm They Have Done To ALL OF US?

If you do not remember their actions, then the IDEA of AMERICA will slowly fade away into a NEW DARK AGE. provides REAL INFORMATION in REAL TIME.  If you want to know what is BEING DONE TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, you can read about it here YEARS BEFORE IT’S ADMITTED– if it is admitted at all.

Please help spread the information contained on this website.