Globalism: The End of Nation-States and Accountability to Citizenry





By:  Nick Russo   September 29, 2014

Since 9/11, many writers have written pieces highly critical of the American Government.  Many people’s initial response is that writers of critical articles are somehow anti-American.  This idea is reinforced by the corporate owned media.  This anti-American labeling is the exact opposite of the truth.  As one of the people highly critical of the United States government, I can honestly say that my criticism and spotlighting of our government’s actions over the past thirteen years stems not from a hatred of America, but from a deeply learned understanding and love of the real America.  America is not a country as much as it is an idea.

America is the grand idea that All are created Equal, that All should be treated equally under the Rule of Law, and that government should be Minimized in order to Maximize Individuals acting Freely to live their Life, exercise their Liberty and pursue their Happiness. Government’s purpose is to create an environment where all Individuals are freely allowed to exercise their pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness.  In America, The Rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, are recognized as being Gifted to us by a Creator, not by government.  This foundational idea is clearly stated in our Declaration of Independence (Read Here).  Therefore, the role of American government is to facilitate the manifestation of the Creator’s Gifts of liberty here in this world-nothing more and certainly nothing less.

This American Idea is now in the final stages of being destroyed.  You can debate when it started, but the American government has been Taken Over by a faction of Globalists comprised of Both Democrats and Republicans.  Globalists have as there underlying philosophy the idea that the World and all of its Resources should and must be Managed at the Global Level.  In its initial incarnation, Globalism, pushed for the creation of an infrastructure of World Institutions empowered to “manage” the  world.  Out of this initial phase, we saw the birth of all the World Institutions:  the united nations, world bank, world trade organization, etc.

Globalism believes that individual Nation-States are obsolete.  World Institutions can not “manage” the world as long as Individual Nations are Individually Sovereign.  National Sovereignty is an obstacle to “managing” the world, its people, and resources.  All one has to do is listen to the what the Globalist themselves have to say about it and recognize the influential positions these individuals hold in almost every nation on earth.  Here are some examples, however, there are literally thousands of examples of policy makers and highly influential people telling us their plan:

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” 1992, Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State–Time Magazine Read Here

“We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands.”  Professor Arnold Toynbee, in a June 1931 speech before the Institute for the Study of International Affairs in Copenhagen.

It is one thing to create Global Institutions with the goal of having them empowered to “manage” the world, but it is quite another thing to get the nations and the people of the world to relinquish their local National Sovereignty.  There are only two primary means of accomplishing the giving up of National Sovereignty–forcefully coercing nations to relinquish their power (top-down method) or manipulating nations into willingly giving up their power (bottom-up approach).

National governments, being ultimately accountable to their populations, could never give national sovereignty away without a huge backlash and possible uprising from their populations.  So the method of achieving the end of the Nation-State was determined to be the “re-educating” of the Peoples of the World into willingly giving up their local power.

The New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down…but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault.” Richard Gardner, writing in the April 1974 issue of the CFR’s journal, Foreign Affairs  Read Here

The specific method of getting populations and nations to give up power and become subservient is through CRISIS and the FEAR it produces. 

The agenda of ending Nation-States  and the subsequent World Order envisioned by the Globalists, while making incredible advances in the twentieth century, proceeded too slowly and has met too much resistance from the local citizenry for the Globalists.  The method conceived to “speed up” the process of global consolidation of power is to use crises to create fear in populations.  The fear created is then used as the “motivation” to achieve the desired goals.  Fear is a great motivator.  The more intense the fear, the more intense is the motivation to take action and relieve the fear.  The crises can be real or can be manufactured it does not matter.  All that matters is the “steering” of the crisis towards achieving the desired outcome.

The equation is simple-Problem, Reaction, and Solution.  Create or co-opt an existing problem, wait for the reaction to appear, then propose and have the “solution” predetermined and ready to be implemented towards your desired goal.

For example, it is a widely known fact that the American Public was overwhelmingly against entering World War II prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor.  No one wanted to get involved in the foreign entanglements of Europe.  After the attack, however, the people were clamoring to get involved and destroy those threatening our existence-which we did. Problem=people attacking our existence.  Reaction=go get them.  Solution= Troops and equipment readied to enter the war.

Another fine example of the concept of achieving a specific goal based on the reaction of a crisis is the attacks of September 11th.  Before 9/11, Americans could not even imagine, let alone would agree to,  giving up their basic liberties such as protection from government spying , protections from government searches without warrants, and from being indefinitely detained by their government. Nor were they willing to get involved in decades long military actions costing trillions of dollars. However; after 9/11, and the fear created by the existential threat, the American Public was more than willing to enter into conflicts and give up many freedoms for their security.  This path, previously not available, was opened for the passage of the Patriot Act.  Under the Patriot Act, the government was given the power, illegally, to spy on all Americans with no warrant and was given the power to kidnap, detain, and when necessary kill American citizens all without any due process (Read Here).  A complete reversal of the stated Constitutional restraints on government.

Problem=existential threat.  Reaction=”keep us safe” by any action necessary to eliminate the threat including war and giving up of basic liberties.  Solution=attack Iraq which had no connection with 9/11.  The action-plan to change the regime in Iraq was developed almost a year before the 9/11 attacks as is clearly stated in State Department Memo “Origins of the Iraq Regime Change Policy” from January 2001.  Read Here

The point here is to illustrate how to achieve globalist objectives by using crises to manufacture consent for previously unavailable options.  An example of how a crisis is used to execute the top down approach of replacing a sovereign government not cooperating with “order”, is the predetermined goal of eliminating the sovereign regime of Iraq.  Working backwards from the goal, Globalists take advantage of the crisis (an existential attack) which would generate the desired reaction (extreme fear) necessary to produce the desired outcome (the people’s consent for removing a sovereign country’s leader).

The Globalists have developed a specific method for achieving their goals of World Government and the direct management of all peoples and resources.  The Globalists have become aware that crises and chaos help achieve their goals.  The Global Institutions were created out of the fear of war-initiated in WWI (League of Nations) and completed in WWII (United Nations, World Bank, etc).  We were told that by creating these world organizations it would prevent wars.  It did not.  It has severely limited national sovereignty and put us on the road to total subservience to the Global Institutions.

In the future, we can expect to see more terrorist attacks and economic crisis in the world because each crisis produces the necessary conditions for the Globalist consolidation of power and elimination of the sovereignty of nation-states.  The stated goal of the Globalists. This is why the Globalists continue to fund and equip terror groups around the world.  For example, it is admitted readily that the United States created and funded Al Qaeda to tie up and exhaust the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan.  Now Al Qaeda is our big new enemy.  Just as it has been admitted recently that we funded and supplied over 600 tons of weapons to ISIS in Syria and Iraq (See Here).  Yet these groups are the justifications for citizens “needing to sacrifice some liberties” to achieve security and for Nation-States to “sacrifice sovereignty” to empower the Global Institutions to fight the Global Terror Groups. We are already hearing pundits talk of how a new World Military Force is necessary to defeat these same terrorist groups.  Read Here  .

Also, as each financial crisis happens the suffering public will beg for Global Institutional help as evidenced from Henry Kissingers’  classic quote,

“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”
– Henry Kissinger in an address at Evian, France, May 21, 1992.  Transcribed from tape recording.

In the future, we can expect to see, more terrorists attacks and more economic crises because both at the minimum are being allowed to happen, if not intentionally created, in order to produce the public consensus necessary to achieve the Globalist’s Agenda.  As the crises happen, notice the solutions which will be offered to us as relief.  The solutions presented will be more and more powerful Global organizations and less National Sovereignty.  We must see through this horrific manipulation and create institutions based on freedom and accountability not control.

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