U.S. Constitution
The US Constitution is being systematically degraded with the intention of destroying one of the last remaining Republican systems on the globe
US Invasion of Syria Decided in Sept 2001
Image: talkradionews.com By: Nick Russo October 6, 2014 TheAnimatingContest.com General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general and Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO tells us in his own words why we are in Iraq, Syria, and why we destroyed the government of Libya which consequently began the destabilization of…
Globalism: The End of Nation-States and Accountability to Citizenry
Image: decryptedmatrix.com By: Nick Russo September 29, 2014 Since 9/11, many writers have written pieces highly critical of the American Government. Many people’s initial response is that writers of critical articles are somehow anti-American. This idea is reinforced by the corporate owned media. This anti-American labeling is the exact opposite of the truth. …
Benghazi Bombshell: Clinton’s State Dept Caught Obstructing Justice (Felony)
By: Nick Russo September 16, 2014 New information in the Benghazi Incident investigation implicates high level officials close to Hillary Clinton in a weekend document cleansing before turning evidence over to Congress. It seems high level officials within the State Department were seen getting rid of evidence that might put…
Congressional Report Blows 9/11 Wide Open
By: Nick Russo September 16, 2014 If 15 of the 19 September 11th hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, why did we attack Iraq and not even investigate Saudi Arabia? This has been the question I have been asking for years. Friends and colleagues have always just dismissed the question stating…
9/11 Smoking Gun Facts
By: Nick Russo September 12, 2014 Thirteen years after the horrific events of September 11, 2001, we must consider the glaring evidence hiding out in the open. These are some of the facts which have been published regarding September 11, 2001. 15 of the 19 Hijackers Were Intentionally Let Into…
9/11: A Time For Truth
A time comes when silence is betrayal – Martin Luther King, Jr. Ethan Jacobs, J.D. Activist Post September 6, 2011 Originally posted at Infowars.com See Original Article Here with Active Links to All References Now is the time to support the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth’s 10th Anniversary Campaign by making…
More Proof ISIS Built By The West
by Mikael Thalen | Infowars.com | September 4, 2014 At the 1:00 mark in the short clip with Greta Van Susteran, McCain mentions a meeting the President held with his national security team in which all members reportedly “recommended arming ISIS.” “Hillary Clinton has described already the meeting in the White…
ISIS Armed and Trained by the United States
Image Credit: paradigm-shift-21st-century.nl By Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com September 4, 2014 Following up on the article written on 6/17/2014 by Aaron Klein of World Net Daily and referenced on this site in August: Read Article Here.. Confirmed: The United States Military Trained & Armed ISIS Now we have U.S. Lt….
The Assembly of a New World Order
by Nick Russo TheAnimatingContest.com Sept 1, 2014 There are a lot of folks out there that hear the words New World Order and are immediately turned off. They either completely dismiss the topic as a “conspiracy theory” or laugh about the topic as if it has no effect on their…
Top NSA Whistleblower: We Need a New 9/11 Investigation
Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons by Washington’s Blog | August 31, 2014 Read Article Here…. This article documents a high level retired NSA Official stating that there were people within the military industrial complex involved in the horrible 9/11 attacks of 2001. Binney joins many high-level officials – including military leaders, intelligence…