A quote from Thomas Jefferson

America Must Prosecute Hillary And All Other Criminals Now

            By:  Nick Russo    TheAnimatingContest.com    July 24, 2017 The normalizing of Criminality has been going on for years in the United States.  This normalization takes place when blatant criminality happens and Nothing is done about it.  The unpunished crime is the ‘signal’ sent out by elements within our government letting…

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A donkey in a superhero outfit

Does The U.S. Electoral Process Reflect The Will Of The People

Image: www.dailykos.com                 By:  Nick Russo     TheAnimatingContest.com      February 18, 2016 Bernie Sanders won New Hampshire by 22 points ( 60% to 38% ).  After receiving 151,584 votes to 95,252 votes or 60% of the vote in New Hampshire, it appears candidate Sanders in actuality lost.  Bernie Sanders leaves…

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Globalism And The Economy: We Have Been Captured

Image: Oxfam International           By:  Nick Russo     TheAnimatingContest.com     January 21, 2016   THEY ARE COMING FOR IT ALL!! The answer to the economic crisis of 2008 was to have the central banks of the world engage in an unprecedented coordinated plan of global monetary stimulus.  Monetary stimulus means printing money-literally out…

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We Have An Epidemic of Pharmaceutical Deaths NOT Gun Deaths

image: naturalnews.com                                                 By:  Nick Russo       TheAnimatingContest.com     January 5, 2016   Today, United States President Barack Obama gave a speech on “common sense” gun control.  The speech was highly emotional and referenced…

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July Jobs Growth Disappoints and Real Unemployment Hangs at 18%

            BY Peter Morici   The Street NEW YORK (TheStreet) — The Labor Department reported the U.S. economy added only 209,000 jobs in July. The unemployment rate rose to 6.2%, but that hardly tells how tough the labor market has become for ordinary folks. The jobless rate may be down from…

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You’re More Likely to Die from Alcoholism, Obesity, Medical Errors, or Just About Anything OTHER THAN Terrorism

  Good Thing We Have Spent Trillions of Dollars on protection against Boogiemen.  It’s time we put things in perspective.           by WashingtonsBlog “The U.S.  Department of State reports that only 17 U.S. citizens were killed worldwide as a result of terrorism in 2011. That figure includes deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq…

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