The Degeneration of the American System–In Real Time

By Nick Russo   August 7, 2014

This simple video is an example of how a societal system degenerates.  When the leaders at the top of the American System stop caring about the Rule of Law (Rule of Law Defined Here) it eventually permeates throughout the entire society. A fish rots from the head down. Here we have an perfect example. A New Jersey city police officer is knowingly being recorded and is explaining, with no remorse, that he will not follow the Constitution because the President of the United States does not follow the Constitution.

For a police officer, whose duty is to “enforce the Constitution” The first observation must be how ridiculous the logic is:  “Because the President is contributing to the downfall of our society, I therefore, will do the same.”

Can anyone see further than their own nose.  If we contribute to the degeneration of our society, then WE ALL LOSE.  The Rule of Law, which means that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW (including and especially the President) is the great protector of us all.  People can not take your property or violate any of your Rights because we have a Rule of Law System.  If we destroy this system of protection, then we ALL LOSE THE PROTECTION.  And once we have lost the protection of the Rule of Law, we spiral into Tyranny.

With no protection for citizens, anyone, including the government, can violate any law they want because the laws are then Selectively Enforced.  The people who control the levers of power can selectively let ‘their team’ violate everyone else in the society.  A good example of this is the IRS scandal that is currently in the news.

The IRS, controlled by the party in power-the Democrats-has Selectively used the IRS to persecute conservative groups.  It has been admitted (Read: IRS Apologizes for Targeting Tea Party Groups).  And when the investigating committee asked for the head of IRS’s (Lois Lerner) computer to view emails as evidence- they simple said, “the emails were lost and we can’t retrieve them”.  The IRS knows that it is NOT above the law. But because we have now fallen into Tyranny, and have no Rule of Law, we are seeing in real time the selective enforcement of the laws of our nation.  Congress has the power, and should, throw some folks in jail.  This would send the important message that “the Rule of Law is in effect again in America” and would act as an important deterrent moving into the future.

If this would have been done in 1972 when President Nixon (Republican) used the IRS against his enemies, we would not be having this scandal today.  Instead, the country bought the line that, “it would be to big of an embarrassment to have the President go to jail”.   Well the embarrassment now is the current state our American Legal System.  I argue that having the President of the United States go to jail would be a source of pride.  It shows that the American System works and that nobody, even the President, is above the law in this great country.  America is the leader of the free world.  I believe if America again stood firmly on the foundation of the Rule of Law, the world would respond in kind and an Age of Real Freedom and Justice would commence.

Police Officers please think about it.  We, the citizens of the United States of America, are on the same side as you.  We want a good life.  We want our children to be safe and have opportunity-just like you do. Please remember that you are the Front Line of Defense against the government (no matter which party is in power) violating of our Rights.  And if the government can violate my Rights, it will violate your Rights as well.  Let’s work together to restore the Protections which so many have sacrificed their lives for.