Financial Markets Are Rigged Against You

Image:  By:  Nick Russo      November 17, 2014 The entire global financial system is and has been for a long time manipulated.  There is NO FREE MARKET.  There is ONLY COLLUSION between large institutions.  Just read the reports below.  It has been admitted that the largest markets in the world are completely rigged.  Institutions…

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IRS Commits Yet Another Felony–Obstruction

    By Nick Russo  August 27, 2014 A National Review article by  Ian Tuttle describes a crime that was committed-Obstruction of Justice: “According to the second round of IRS affidavits submitted to U.S. district court judge Emmett Sullivan, who is presiding over the lawsuit brought against the nation’s tax agency by watchdog group Judicial…

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The Degeneration of the American System–In Real Time

By Nick Russo   August 7, 2014 This simple video is an example of how a societal system degenerates.  When the leaders at the top of the American System stop caring about the Rule of Law (Rule of Law Defined Here) it eventually permeates throughout the entire society. A fish rots from the head down. Here…

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