Subtle Social Media Censorship Promotes Government Agendas

        By:  Nick Russo    1/2/2015 Here is an interesting question.  Why does twitter ban some accounts for “targeted abuse” while letting international terrorist groups literally show humans being beheaded on their active Twitter accounts. The answer to this question is that Twitter is being used to promote social and political agendas…

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Billionaires Love Socialism

Google Images           Nick Russo      December 19, 2014 “One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony…. Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution it has obviously succeeded… in fostering high morale and community purpose. General social and economic progress is no less impressive….The enormous social…

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The Gruber Example: How The American People Can Beat The Criminals

By:  Nick Russo      December 9, 2014   On December 9, 2014, Jonathan Gruber testified in front of a Congressional Oversight Committee in the House of Representatives.  These Congressional Hearings are very insightful. Congressional Hearings are great examples of both how the criminal element is allowed to continue its influence within the government without any…

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Globalism: The End of Nation-States and Accountability to Citizenry

    Image: By:  Nick Russo   September 29, 2014 Since 9/11, many writers have written pieces highly critical of the American Government.  Many people’s initial response is that writers of critical articles are somehow anti-American.  This idea is reinforced by the corporate owned media.  This anti-American labeling is the exact opposite of the truth. …

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Proof: Churches Intentionally Deceiving Members

            Not Revealing Truth is the Same as Not Telling The Truth By Chuck Baldwin  (Image Credit: The Weeping Eagle) “‘What we’re finding is that when we ask them about all the key issues of the day, [90 percent of them are] telling us, Yes, the Bible speaks to every…

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The Degeneration of the American System–In Real Time

By Nick Russo   August 7, 2014 This simple video is an example of how a societal system degenerates.  When the leaders at the top of the American System stop caring about the Rule of Law (Rule of Law Defined Here) it eventually permeates throughout the entire society. A fish rots from the head down. Here…

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DHS: Citizens Number One Domestic Terror Threat

Image Credits: Skeptical Cubefarm by Kurt Nimmo | | August 4, 2014 “The 2013-14 study results show that law enforcement’s top concern is sovereign citizens. Although Islamic extremists remain a major concern for law enforcement, they are no longer their top concern,” the START report states. According to the organization, threats posed by sovereign…

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You’re More Likely to Die from Alcoholism, Obesity, Medical Errors, or Just About Anything OTHER THAN Terrorism

  Good Thing We Have Spent Trillions of Dollars on protection against Boogiemen.  It’s time we put things in perspective.           by WashingtonsBlog “The U.S.  Department of State reports that only 17 U.S. citizens were killed worldwide as a result of terrorism in 2011. That figure includes deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq…

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The American flag and a missile

Global Elite Agitating for War Against Russia

by Kurt Nimmo | | July 29, 2014 Insane bill in Senate will ultimately result in nuclear destruction Victoria Nuland — who acted as the front person for the State Department’s coup in Kiev — bluntly expressed the opinion of the United States toward the European Union back in February. Nuland employed a choice…

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